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May 28

Wright State University Foundation Appoints ONEIL CEO Hernan Olivas to Board of Trustees

Hernan Olivas

ONEIL president and CEO Hernan Olivas is going back to school – in an advisory capacity, of course. We’re proud to share that Hernan, along with five others, was recently appointed to the Wright State University Foundation Board of Trustees.

“We are honored to welcome these outstanding business and community leaders from the Dayton region and beyond,” said Scott Rash, president and CEO of the Wright State University Foundation. “We appreciate their willingness to volunteer their time and talents to the Wright State University Foundation Board of Trustees. They will provide outstanding service to the foundation, the university, and our students.”

Hernan also serves on the board of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce and the board of advisors for the Wright State University College of Engineering and Computer Science. He feels strongly about giving back to his community.

“Giving back to our community isn’t something we have to do – it’s something we get to do. Community involvement is a privilege, and it’s something we value deeply at ONEIL. Through our individual gifts, talents, and abilities, we are capable of helping shape the lives of those around us, and I’m honored to have that opportunity with the Wright State University Foundation.”

Hernan’s 3-year term begins July 1. To read more about his appointment, check out this Dayton Business Journal article.